Thursday, May 26, 2016

so, then, who are we?
The Mom

Welcome back!  Or, well, HI!

I said that I'd do a proper intro, and I suppose that means I should.  I'm a bit of an introvert, though, which surprises those who *really* know me...but doesn't surprise others ;)  So don't be surprised if I kinda gloss over myself a bit.  But, well, I also like to who knows where we'll go with this.  Heh.  Remember the "verbal vomit" comment from my first post?  Yeah.  So.  Happens.

Anyway, as mentioned, I'm Holly.  The Mom with Horse Fever ;)  I'm a 40-something horse woman, married to a wonderful, tolerant, exasperating, decisively-non-horsey man.  We have two wonderful children, an 8 year old boy and a 10 year old girl.

During the summer, we spent alotalot of time at my parent's lake house.

We also have an amazing German Shepherd (who might or might not end up on the blog at times).  Abel is the Best. Dog. Ever. for our family.  He's amazing with the kids, and even if he wants to snack on our cat at times (, we don't let him...), he's an awesome boy.

"Get OFF the stupid camera, mom!"
Gosh, this was taken 3 years ago - how were the kids so small?
And no, this won't be a "MommyBlog".  Promise!
The girl is the other horsey-person in the immediate family.  Our son, that's a big ole "NO" to the whole horse thing.  He's taken a few lessons, but it's just not interesting to him.  He wants a Cow.  Really, a cow.  So farm in the future, yes?  Yes.

As to my "horse life", I've been riding, off & on, since childhood.  We had a lovely family friend who supported my horse addiction from the start, and signed me up for lessons at the barn where her horse was boarded...and happily still claims herself as my Enabler.

Late-1970's me on my first lesson pony, Goldie.
Helmet?  What's that?

I started off at about six, and pretty much rode off & on through elementary & middle school.  Lesson ponies, once a week.  You know how it goes for those who are horsey but without a real horsey family. We never were financially able to afford a pony, but I still enjoyed those lesson ponies and learned so very much!

First show ever!
Don't you love the hairnet & velvet huntcap?

In high school, I switched to Western, and rode above Enabler's lovely Quarter Horse.  I joined 4H for a short time, but mostly just rode and lessoned for pleasure.  Montego was a lovely, super-well-trained gelding, and to this day is probably the standard to which all QH's will have to measure up. 

Montego Bay.
Check out those boots!  Ha!

My college years were spent riding both hunters & Western.  I went to the University of Connecticut, and am a graduate of the College of Agriculture, Health & Natural Resources.  If you are unaware, UConn breeds Morgans.  They also have a fantastic polo program, and their woman's polo team were National Champs a number of times when I was at UConn.   I had a wonderful time at UConn and met some great friends.  I also did a great internship while at UConn, interning in the Summer Experience in Equine Management at the Miner Agricultural Institute.

My project horse at Miner was HD St Regis.
Best Boy.  Still love him.
It was partially my exposure to the UConn & Miner Morgans that solidfied my appreciation for the breed.  I grew to love their work ethic and spirit with more experience.  In my middle school years, I'd had the fortune to visit Whippoorwill Morgans, and met the amazing breeding stallion Blackwood Correll.  That was my first experience with Morgans, and likely where I first fell in love!  They are indeed my favorite breed of horse.

Reggie, while mainly a Western Pleasure horse,
did also work Huntseat Pleasure.
 I took a few years off after getting married and having kids, but knew I'd be back on at some point! When my daughter was able, I signed her up for lessons with a barn a friend recommended.  She started Western, but soon became entranced with all things jumping.  So we switched to a local hunter/jumper barn, and that's where we are now!

My sister is also a horse-girl.
This was me a few years back, riding her first horse, Sergio.

And yep, I do ride too.  Once a week, at this point, because we are horseless.  But well, hopefully we'll remedy that in the meantime!  :)  I'll share info on my partner in horse crimes later...

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